short story slam week 75, poetry and story inn fridays week 4, 5

david obama and kathleen willson


janet ruscher   janet ruscher


julia markant  julia rakant

michael fittss and paul tulane.jpg


nicholas-j-altiero  and franklin fortebus.jpg  nicholas altiero

richardson   richardson memorial

shearer richardson.jpg  shearer richardson

Gibson lawn

green and brown

tulane marks

waterway front



poetry and story inn fridaays week 3, week 4,

THIS WEEK’S WORDS come from “This Is No Case of Petty Right or Wrong”by Edward Thomas: petty, hate, patriot, athwart, cauldrons, clear, yesterday, miss, broods, dust, live, endure


no right no wrong

no left and no right

but I do have right to type

I have left hand to grab chopsticks

there is no way

but all the path  my feet steps on is solid

enduring? missing cauldrons? hating athwart?

I have none of garth or loath to none

forget about errors from yesterday

take a road,

clear your sun glasses,

let petty thomas lead the way